
Customize your site

with up to 10 pages


This is your landing page. The first impression your potential client gets of your business, and your first opportunity to capture their attention and inspire booking. 

Service Menu

Describe the services you offer and display pricing.

Online Booking

Who needs a receptionist? Link to or embed your booking software so clients can book with you while you’re working or even at 4am!


Showcase your beautiful work and display pictures of your space.

Client Reviews

Spread the word. Testimonials are priceless for creating trust between you and your new client.


Do you offer student discounts? Referral discounts? Packages? Seasonal specials?  Display your current promotions.


Let your clients know how to prepare for their appointment, what to expect during their visit, aftercare rules, and answer general lash related questions.

lash care tips

Share with your clients all the tips and tricks for making their lash extensions last, protecting their investment and keeping you both happy when it’s time for a fill.


Display your contact info or contact forms, and maps/directions to your studio location.


Tell them about yourself. What is most important to you? Why did you go into business? What are your goals?  What kind of education and experience do you have? Let your new clients get to know you a little.

Let’s Get Started!

After checking out the Mood Templates, Pages, Features, and Custom Style Menu, get started by fill out a simple form.